Another winter weekend.
Sure, you can avoid the cold and chill with Netflix, but getting out is what beats those winter blues.
“Doing-things-while-drinking” is on the rise in Toronto, and College Street is where “anyone can play” indoor gaming is at. Get out of your home, get out of the cold, and game the blues away while swigging back a few.
4 College Street Gaming Bars:
#1 Track and Field: 860 College Street.
Toronto’s first “lawn games bar” gives you the chance to sip on local brews (tip: Sweetgrass Golden Ale), as you battle out Bocce Ball, Shuffle Board and Crokinole. Wing it or play by the House Rules.
#2 Nightowl: 647 College Street.
Get off your bar seat to try your hands at Pinball, Foosball or Big Buck Hunter in the middle of Little Italy.
#3 BLND Tiger: 559 College Street.
When entering what seems like a Little Italy dance cave, you may never guess games lurk about the dark. Take a break from bumpin’ and grindin’ to find the pool and foosball tables.
#4 Snakes and Lattes: 489 College Street.
Board games are back in a big way. 7,500 square feet to house 1,300 board games big! TIP: Tap into staff knowledge to find your perfect game.
BONUS: Host your own games night, where friends settle the rich Isle of Catan over drinks.